Friday, September 25, 2015

The hope is over for the Giants, though still fuck the Dodgers!!!

We all struggle with so many things in life, I keep mine simple, misplaced love, alcoholism, and running out of beer, there might be a few other things but I would hate to go too deep in my writing. So the last bits of hope are gone for the Giants this year, I will never give up on my team, but reality has set in like the words you never want to hear from a Giants reporter who once represented the love that glowed in your heart for this team that might as well own your soul. We will forever be Giant, though we cannot always win the World Series as we have become spoiled to expect, our one hope must be that the Dodgers fail miserably this year in their playoff hunt, no pennant, no trophy, no motherfucking champagne, because fuck the Dodgers that's why, they deserve nothing, and this particular Panda is hoping they get nothing, money does not pave your way to the promise land. We shall all carry on, me with a bit of whiskey and beer to lighten the load, and for the rest, well do what you do, keep it real, don't buy the bullshit, and have original thoughts, because that is the only way to live and exist. If you question what is real, at least you have a bit of a platform to start from, and by the way, most of this that you see is not what this Panda would call real, find your heart, keep your soul, and on that note Panda OUT!!!

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