Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Cavaliers break the three point shot record as Hawks look ready to be swept again

Are the Cav's the Hawks kryptonite or is it just that this team cannot handle the true power of a NBA juggernaut in the playoffs, are the Hawks one of those teams that will be remembered by who they faced not what they accomplished? Though to be fair, the Cav's have owned them since LeBron returned to Cleveland from Miami, though it seems as if they are a talented enough team, yet something about Cleveland brings out less of a fight in this team it seems. Sure the headlines will read all about Cleveland hitting 25 three's in the game, the fact of the matter is I believe a certain fear of LeBron's overall awesome ability might have a play in this match up and it's lack of a challenge for Cleveland in general. Though who can really tell, I am just another drunk tapping on the keys of this laptop trying to make words have a voice to be heard, and in the end even if the Cav's have broken a record of the Warriors it is still not revenge for last year's Championship, and that story is still to written. On that note this particular Panda shall be out.