Monday, October 27, 2014

I hate hashtags but #MadBum

Madison Bumgarner delivered an absolute gem of a pitching start for game five of the World Series, pitching the first shutout in the World Series since 2003 when Josh Beckett pitched a shutout for the Marlins against the Yankees. If their is a better pitcher in postseason baseball who is currently playing I have yet to see him, Bumgarner is as calm as a Panda who just had sex while he is on the mound this October, and it is almost a shock to see him make a mistake.
The Giants are bringing the momentum back to Kansas City as in the last two games their hitting has been extremely on point, with 12 hits last night and 5 runs, Saturday getting 16 hits and 11 runs. To think that this series could go to 7 games is quite incredible for any baseball fan but for any Giants fan it's Giants in 6 games, for no one in the camp of Orange October will even ponder a loss on tuesday night. With Peavy hoping to come up with a good six inning show, and whoever that fastball pitcher is that Kansas City has pitching for them will hopefully pitch for a homerun derby as that is how hot Giants are currently.
What do I think of the Panda this World Series, well hitting .364 for the World Series with 4 RBI's and a couple of 2 baggers isn't shaby on top of his incredible work at third base, I say to the Giants please pay him this offseason because he has earned it, I know most likely he will be fair if you offer him something decent.
So fuck Joe Buck and the fake smurfs, tomorrow this World Series is coming to an end with a pandarific Giants win in Missouri.

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