As we all know in the NBA Playoffs it is survival of the fittest and the Bulls have yet to show that, they should be pressing forward to defeat a weakened Cavaliers team, why they don't want more rest may actually lay on the fact that we should fear the deer. They may be a team that everyone discounted, though they may have a bit of soul in them, and who know's they may have the killer blood necessary to force a game seven, especially after all this Cav's vs Bulls talk throughout the entire season. It would take some incredible coaching by Jason Kid, and remarkable play by everyone on his roster, but it really only comes down to a game by game attitude, otherwise we wouldn't even bother with having a playoff system to decide such important things in the NBA.
We do know that MCW aka Michael Carter-Williams did have an incredible game all the while being the primary defender against D-Rose, how is it possible for such a young player to hold D-Rose to only 5-20 shooting percentage and only 13 points in total, while able to shoot 10-15 for 22 points and also 8 rebounds, and 9 assists, no one will really ever know unless he develops into the next superstar NBA player we are all waiting for. It is hard to know will climb to the top next but we all know the playoffs tend to show us what is to come and that is what makes it hard not to root for Milwaukee in this next game, for if we don't we are not rooting for the future of this sport we love so much, and on that note, fear the deer, and of course Panda out!!!!
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